National Pet Dental Health Month

Caregiver in Briarcliff NY

As a family caregiver one of the greatest tools that you can have in your care journey with your aging loved ones is not really a tool at all, but a faithful furry companion. Spending time with an Caregiver-in-Briarcliff-NYanimal, even if it is just on a visiting basis, can offer tremendous benefits to your aging parents, including reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation, warding off depression, easing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure and heartrate, and giving a greater sense of involvement and purpose. With all of this value that a pet can bring to your care efforts for your seniors, it is obvious that you want to make sure that you are also giving that furry friend as much care and nurturing as possible to keep him healthy, happy, and bringing joy and benefit to your parents.

February is National Pet Dental Health Month, the ideal opportunity for you to learn more about the importance of taking care of your pet’s teeth, and techniques for how to do it safely, responsibly, and healthily whether you are doing it alone or your parents are getting in on the care as a mentally stimulating and nurturing activity.

Though many pet owners overlook it, pets need dental care just like people do, though not in quite the same way. Just as in humans, poor oral hygiene in a pet can lead to serious consequences such as decay and infection. Pets can experience abscesses, tooth breakage and decay, full body infections, tooth loss, and pain that make it difficult to eat, drink, or even breathe properly. Taking care of his teeth regularly can help you to keep your fur baby’s mouth healthy and strong so that he can live a healthier, more enjoyable life with your aging parents.


Use these tips to help you get on a regular dental health routine with your pet during National Pet Dental Health Month:

  • Recognize problems. If you have not been taking care of your pet’s teeth throughout his life, he may already have problems. Look for signs of decay, trauma, breakage, abscess, or other problems such as not being able to chew properly, taking longer to eat or drink, whimpering, seeming withdrawn and less willing to interact with you or other animals, rubbing his face against the ground or rubbing his face with his paw, flinching when you get near his mouth, foul breath, obvious breakage, swelling, discoloration, or puss. If you notice these problems, get him to an emergency pet vet or pet dentist as quickly as possible for proper treatment.
  • Offer chewies. Encouraging your dog to chew is the natural way to care for his teeth. Offer chewy toys that are made from bumpy or textured rubber or nylon, or natural options such as knucklebones or rawhide so that he can gnaw at them, which helps to remove bacteria, plaque, dirt, and other buildup. While this can be helpful, it is not a replacement for a good brushing.
  • Get the right supplies. A human toothbrush will work, but it might be too small and flimsy for your dog’s mouth so you might want to look for a canine version. Do not use human toothpaste on a dog. Instead, look for dog-specific versions. These come in flavors the pet will like and do not contain ingredients that are too harsh to swallow. For quick touch-ups, look for wipes that you can use to remove debris or plaque when you do not have time to brush.
  • Take your time. Getting a pet used to regular dental care is not always easy. Be ready to show patience and take your time with the pet. Consider having your parent stroke the dog comfortingly and speak to him softly to keep him calm while you brush. This will make it easier and will reduce the risk of biting, choking, or other problems.

If you or an aging loved one are looking for caregiver services in Briarcliff, NY, call the friendly staff at The Perfect Home Care at (855) 855-5728.  Call today!



Geralyn DiGiovanni, Manager, Client Services