Why it is Important to Respect Your Elders

Elder Care in Ossining NY

You have probably heard the phrase, “respect your elders.” After all, your aging parents spent most of their adult life caring for you and doing their best to keep you healthy and happy. September Elder-Care-in-Ossining-NY18th is National Respect Day and is the perfect time to show your elderly loved one just how much they mean to you.

As our parents continue to get older, many will lose the ability to care for themselves, requiring professional help from an elder care provider. Your love, support, and appreciation can go a long way to helping the elder feel like a valuable member of your family, especially now that they are unable to be as independent as they once were. There are many things our elderly parents continue to do for us and younger generations, including:

  1. Learn from their past. Older adults have seen and heard things throughout their lifetime that we have never had to experience. These memories can also help determine the choices we make in our own lives. Listen closely to the stories your loved one shares in order to help guide you down the right path.
  2. Elders help care for our children. Today, most married couples now need to work, causing these parents to not teach their children the listens they need to learn. This includes morals, ethics, and knowledge of their culture. Older adults have more time to teach younger generations these valuable lessons in order to help shape the type of people they become.
  3. They pass down traditions. Keeping traditions alive in your family is important. Allowing seniors to teach our children traditions that they also participated in as children will also give these younger generations something to pass down to their own children.
  4. Helping an elder will teach gratitude. Learning to be thankful is important for people of all ages. It teaches us to be happy with all we have been blessed with, including the people in our lives. By simply carrying the groceries for your elderly loved one or mowing their lawn will fill us with a feeling of gratitude, while also showing the elder the respect they deserve.
  5. Seniors are the reason for our existence. You would not be here if it were not for your aging parent. This is something that is often forgotten about, but important that we remember just how valuable they are to our lives. A simple gesture of thankfulness can make the elder’s day, especially for those living alone.

Older adults provide value to society, but it is often forgotten about. Make sure to take a moment to show your elderly loved one just how much they mean to you.


If you or an aging loved one are looking for elder care in Ossining, NY, call the friendly staff at The Perfect Home Care at (855) 855-5728.  Call today!


Source:   http://topyaps.com/top-10-reasons-to-respect-your-elders

Geralyn DiGiovanni, Manager, Client Services