What Should You Look Out for When Caring for a Senior with Congestive Heart Failure?
The American Heart Association estimates that there are more than six million people throughout the United States who are currently living with congestive heart failure. If you are the family caregiver for one of these people, it is important that you not only know how to give your senior the care that they need to properly manage the condition, but also how to detect when your senior might be in need of additional medical care. Congestive heart failure is a very serious condition that can escalate quickly and it is important that you are able to detect when your parent might be facing an urgent situation so that you can help them to avoid potentially dangerous complications.
Home Care in Briarcliff NY: What Should You Look Out for When Caring for a Senior with Congestive Heart Failure?
Some things to look out for when caring for a senior with congestive heart failure include:
- Chest pain
- Fainting
- Severe weakness
- Rapid heartbeat that does not calm down with rest
- Irregular heartbeat with shortness of breath
- Severe shortness of breath that occurs very suddenly
- Weight gain of three pounds or more within one day that might indicate serious fluid retention
- Serious confusion, difficulty concentrating, or otherwise impaired thinking
It is important to keep in mind that while these symptoms and issues are related to congestive heart failure, they can also indicate other health complications as well. That being said, when it comes to caring for an elderly adult who is living with congestive heart failure, the old adage “it’s better safe than sorry” is a good phrase to live by. If you feel that your senior is facing an increase in symptoms or challenges associated with their congestive heart failure, do not hesitate to get in touch with their medical team to discuss your concerns. This allows the doctor to evaluate what is happening and determine if your elderly parent might need additional care. They can also offer recommendations and additional care guidelines to help you to give your parent the care that they need to avoid these complications and issues in the future.
If your elderly loved one has recently been diagnosed with congestive heart failure or you are concerned that they are at increased risk of developing this condition, now may be the ideal tie for you to consider starting home care for them. An in-home senior care services provider can be with your aging loved one on a fully customized schedule tailored to not only their individual needs, challenges, and limitations, but also their thoughts, beliefs, preferences, and goals, as well as the amount of care that you are able to give to them. This enables your loved one to properly manage their CHF while also pursuing a lifestyle that is safe, healthy, comfortable, and fulfilling. As a family caregiver this can help you to feel more confident that your elderly parent will get the care, support, assistance, and encouragement that they need to live the highest quality of life possible, while also pursuing as much independence and activity as is right for them.
If you or an aging loved one are looking for home care in Briarcliff, NY, call the friendly staff at The Perfect Home Care at (855) 855-5728. Call today!
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