The Perfect Home Care Hosts Trivial Pursuit Contest for Irish Audience

Senior Care in Yonkers NY

Irish Eyes were smiling the day after St. Patrick’s Day at the Aisling Irish Community Center in Yonkers, NY.  There were lots of laughs, as well.Senior-Care-in-Yonkers-NY

The source of the joviality was a game of Trivial Pursuit sponsored and hosted by The Perfect Home Care.

Some 25 folks participated in the game at Aisling, an organization that assists Irish immigrants in their transition to life in the USA.

Aisling is one of the largest Irish immigrant resource centers in the New York City area, and the main provider of services for the elderly Irish and Irish-American community in Yonkers and the nearby Woodlawn section of the Bronx, NY.

The Perfect Home Care has hosted nearly 25 Trivial Pursuit games in and around Westchester County, N.Y. since the agency’s inception two and half years ago.

The games have been played at a range of locations, including community centers, nutrition centers, senior centers, independent living facilities, and resource centers such as Aisling.

“The reason we sponsor and host the Trivial Pursuit games is two-fold,” said Phil Waga, president of the The Perfect Home Care. “The first is to deliver a good time to the elderly community we serve.  The second, quite frankly, is that the games help us market our agency.”

For the unfamiliar, Trivial Pursuit is a popular board game in which players are required to answer a series of questions in categories such as history, literature and sports.

The Perfect Home Care adapts the game for large groups by placing the questions into a laptop computer program and then projecting the questions onto a movie screen in front of a room.

Some questions and answers:

Questions: What was Lucy Ricardo’s maiden name in “I Love Lucy?”

Answer: McGillicuddy

Questions: Which Italian city was buried when Vesuvius erupted in AD 79?

Answer: Pompeii

“We really enjoy hosting the games,” said Ed Trapasso, president of the Perfect Home Care. “The audiences are always engaged. The participants really enjoy playing. Invariably, after the game ends, they request that we come back again.  We’re happy to oblige them.”

If you or an aging loved one are looking for senior care in Yonkers, NY, call the friendly staff at The Perfect Home Care at (855) 855-5728.  Call today!

Geralyn DiGiovanni, Manager, Client Services